If you happened across this image…
Chances are you could easily identify the painter as Vincent van Gogh. (His Self-portrait with straw hat, 1887)
And if you happened across this one.
You’d likely know it as a work by Salvador Dalí. (His Persistence of memory, 1931)
The style of each is obviously, very, very different and each of these unique styles comes directly from who these artists were inside as individuals, combined with the sum total of their personal experiences in this world.
The same applies to us mere mortals. In both of our local photo clubs, I find it fun to try to guess which of the projected images belong to which photo club member. With time, this becomes easier and easier to do as I learn who is who in the club and their photographic styles.
Even between my wife and I, there is a tremendous difference in personal style. Having perused the images and blog posts on this web site, I think you can guess–even without the title information–which of the following is my image and which belongs to my better half. It certainly makes for an interesting contrast in how we each view the world. Maybe someday we will get the chance to do a combined exhibit–Two Perspectives on Reality. That would be fun!
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