What if everyone in the world were completely free to choose their career path and ALSO be assured of making a decent living at it?
What do you think everyone would choose?
My guess is that a huge proportion of us would choose the arts–music, theater, dance, literature, sculpture, painting…yes, and even photography. Others would likely choose sports–sort of an artistic endeavor as well, I like to think.
Some may even enjoy the act of creating a new business, or inventing, or exploring, or going to Mars.
Who would choose to sell insurance…or pour concrete…flip burgers…or work at “the office” behind a maze of mauve partitions? Many fewer, I would guess.
My theory is that humans are artists and creators by their very nature. Alas, it is the nature of our current civilization that tends to erase that creativity–or, at a minimum, force that inherent creativity into the background.
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