Datsa Big Burger, #2, Mendoza, Argentina, 2020
Monster Burgers!
Some months back–when going to a local restaurant wasn’t such a huge, spore-risking affair–we ran across the above items on the bilingual menu.
Can you spot the error–a mistake that can only be described as horribly gut-busting? (From either laughter, or from trying to eat it all!)
For the price-curious, the official exchange rate at the time was roughly 62 Argentine pesos to the dollar. So that comes out to $6.00 or $7.00 burgers, depending on whether you go single or double.
A closer view of the hard-to-digest and offending section:

Datsa Big Burger, #3, Mendoza, Argentina, 2020
150 grams = 330 pounds!!!??? 300 grams = 660 pounds!!!???
Now, THOSE are some big-ass burgers if you prefer to believe the poundage! I’m thinking this restaurant could use some help in the translations/proof-reading department, no? Can I complain to the manager if they don’t bring me my full 330 pounds of burger?
[NOTE: If you change “gramos” to “kilos”…150 KILOS is indeed roughly 330 pounds, and 300 KILOS is indeed about 660 pounds… But how did that oddly-coincidental calculation get in there?]
So, how much meat do the Argentines really eat? A TOP TEN List…
According to 2016 data from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), here are the top ten meat-eating (all kinds of meat) countries in the world based on per capita consumption. The number in parenthesis represents kilograms (1 kg = 2.2 lbs) per person per year.
Do you find any surprises on the list?
#1 – United States (97.1)
#2 – Australia (94.8)
#3 – Argentina (86.1)
#4 – Uruguay (81.0)
#5 – Israel (80.3)
#6 – Brasil (77.2)
#7 – Chile (71.6)
#8 – Canada (70.0)
#9 – European Union (69.2)
#10 – New Zealand (67.5)
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