Spring is most definitely here. Boulder Creek is fat and fast with torrents of water. The kayakers are salavating. Boulder Falls is a loud roar. Our snowpack almost made it to 100% of normal, so things are looking pretty frothy in the creeks lacing down from the Divide. Gotta love the changing seasons.
Since the short Boulder Falls trail is currently closed and off-limits due to rock fall danger and swift current, the above image was created by dangling my camera from a radio-controlled quadcopter and flying it into the cleft that forms Boulder Falls and hovering directly across from the pounding, frothing, churning, charming water. It’s tough to get that slow shutter speed effect to work from a gyrating, wobble-machine like the quadcopter!
Satire alert, in case you swallowed the hook that was bobbing down the creek.
Yeppers! A baby drone it is! My brother flys one around while he wears these weird goggles so he can see from the perspective of the four-rotor creature as it hovers around the landscape. He has video and still cameras mounted on it. You can see an example flyover of the ranch at this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXiDZRfuXFQ
Excuse me for a moment while I remove the hook from my left cheek. Quadcopter? Hmmmm. Is that a baby drone?