Random Questions for the COVID Bored
Can you put chapstick on a lizard? Would it do any good?
Where does the leather go when you wear out your shoe?
Do mermaid fingers prune from being in the water so long?
Where do thoughts come from?
How do snails work?
How did people make the first tools if they didn’t have any tools?
Why don’t spiders get stuck in their own webs?
Is Mother Nature married to God?
Why doesn’t the sky fall on us?
How can the Universe have no end… or, what is infinity?
When will the years stop?
If you put your phone in airplane mode, then throw it out the window, will it fly?
Are there times on the clock you have never seen?
Why do tobacco companies kill their best customers and condom companies kill their future customers?
What has your dog (or cat) named you?
Why is quicksand slow?
Is cereal soup?
On an airplane, in the middle seat, who gets the armrests?
If you were born with a different name, would you have a different personality?
How do we know what’s real?
Finally… a pseudo photography question, since this is pretends to be a photography blog: In the olden days, was everything in black and white?
[CREDITS: Thanks to the random interwebs and Ms. Google for most of the above. It was pretty much impossible to trace each to its original author.]
The Pictures
Just to show that one can do nature photography in the city, let’s reflect on the following…
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