In some ways this is sort of a working vacation here in Barcelona. My very special spousal unit and I are working on a photography project for a family member who will soon open a healthy food café in the city.
The photo project? Images of the food providers for the new café and close-up images of the individual food products themselves.
This is something very new for us, and slightly out of our comfort zone, which I suppose is a good thing, right? Perhaps at some point I will post some of those pictures to this blog, along with some lessons learned.
In the meantime, the rest o’ this particular story…
As part of the project, a few days ago we visited the panadería, Panes Creativos de Daniel Jordà, where many of the bread products, muffins, rolls, etc. will come from for the new restaurant. Ah, the glorious aroma of lightly browned and golden-crisp baguettes fresh from the oven! And all the different breads (of every shape, size, and recipe) were about as close to grandma’s home baked stuff as you can get–all heavily infused with much love and attention by Daniel, the master baker and owner.
I naturally worked the photos we needed for the project (as above, for example), but I was struck by how wonderful Daniel was as a portrait subject. His passion and pride for his work glittered in his eyes and he wore an aura of peace about him. It would be wonderful to have an environmental portrait session with just him.
And, of course, if you are looking for pretty much the best bread products you can get in Barcelona, look no farther than his modest bakery.
It’s all in the eyes. A couple of the big round loaves of his famous bread are in the background…
And a more messiah-like expression…
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