Happy Holidays. Boulder, Colorado, 2016
Overheard at a shopping mall today somewhere in this fine country:
Shopper 1: “Wait just a damn minute! Did you just say ‘Happy Holidays’?”
Shopper 2: “Well…uh…yes. Why?”
Shopper 1: “Are you one o’ them damn libtards that’s wagin’ war on Christmas? Prolly a Muslim-lover, too, eh?”
Shopper 2: “Well, then, Merry Christmas to you, then! I was just trying to be all-inclusive. Not everyone in our country is a Christian, you know.”
Shopper 1: “Well, it’s a Christian country and, dammit, everyone should say ‘Merry Christmas’!”
Shopper 2: “I take it you are a Christian then?”
Shopper 1: “Yer goddamn right I’m a Christian! And I’m packin’, too, so ya better stop with that ‘Happy Holidays’ crap right now!”
And so it goes…(sigh)…
Diversity (and the food that goes with it!) is so much more interesting, don’t you think?
December 8 – Bodhi Day
December 12 – Milad un Nabi
December 15 – Dhanu Sankranti
December 21 – Winter Solstice
December 23 – Festivus for the rest of us!
December 24 – Hanukkah (through January 1)
December 25 – Christmas
December 26 – Kwanzaa (through January 1)
December 26 – St. Stephen’s Day
December 26 – Boxing Day
December 28 – Holy Innocents
December 31 – Watch Night
January 6 – Epiphany, or Día de los Reyes
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