Apparently, the idea that Ben Franklin wanted the turkey to be our national bird is not precisely true. He did, though, question the idea of the eagle and, in that context, he examined the relatively superior characteristics of the turkey. You can read Franklin’s very words in this Smithsonian article–words I’m sure he wrote with a mischievous twinkle in his eye.
Now, some more humor…of a sort.
Expression o’ the day: “Tying on a groaner.”
Explanation: Eating so much all you are capable of doing is laying down on the carpeted floor and groaning.
Be thankful you have the food and the carpet to be able to do this. The whole idea of being able to “tie on a groaner” would be totally foreign to many millions in this world of ours.
Parting iPhone shot (but channeling the wet plate process of William Henry Jackson). The view from the mountain biking trails on Marshall Mesa this Thanksgiving morning:
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