Arenas Building, #2. Barcelona, 2019
The Catalans no longer allow bull fighting in their province (banned since January 1, 2012). It was never really a Catalan tradition–it’s more of an Andalucian thing–and, here, they have overwhelmingly rejected it.
So, what do you do with the old bull rings?
In the case of the Arenas Building, they have done an amazing job turning the structure into a huge, modern, and always-busy commercial center. It has restaurants, exhibition halls, movie theaters, retail outlets, offices, conference rooms, great views of the National Art Museum of Catalunya and the Magic Fountain, and so on. The place is usually packed with shoppers, gawkers, and tourists, being located conveniently right beside the Plaça d’Espanya at the base of Montjuic.
Here are some recent hand-held interior shots (mostly taken very wide–at 14mm!) to give you an idea…

Arenas Building, #3. Barcelona, 2019

Arenas Building, #4. Barcelona, 2019

Arenas Building, #5. Barcelona, 2019
In this one, the kids are playing on an interactive light floor–they stomp, step, sit, plop on (etc.) an area or a particular light figure and it reacts to the pressure. Pretty cool.

Arenas Building, #6. Barcelona, 2019
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