Yes, random images keep accumulating on my iPhone.
Here are the last few from 2019:
This is a forgotten wall hidden away on Montjuic that happens to be where I walk when I go to the climbing gym–there has been some recent art activity here after many months of nada:

Urban Art on Montjuic, #2, Barcelona, 2019

Urban Art on Montjuic, #3, Barcelona, 2019
Then… exploring mood, with various textures, in monochrome (with a random “stilted” street shot thrown in):

Man On Pier, Sitges, Spain, 2019

Couple On the Beach, Sitges, Spain, 2019

Two Towers, Barcelona, 2019

Stilted People, Barcelona, 2019

Agulles, #5, Montserrat, Barcelona, 2019
Finally, Montserrat in color. Only 45 minutes or so away, it is my favorite place to find myself, climb, hike, meditate, relax, breathe fresh air, feel the breeze and sun on my face. That odd rock formation on the left of the cliff band is called the Cadireta (Little Chair). In June of 2018, I posted about climbing an aid route on that formation as well as pasting up a video about a nutso wing suit flyer who zipped through that tiny triangle of light just to the right (Click HERE):

Agulles, #4, Montserrat, Barcelona, 2019
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