What an amazing body of work! Get on down there to see it as Sunday is the last day for the exhibit here in Barcelona.
What an amazing body of work! Get on down there to see it as Sunday is the last day for the exhibit here in Barcelona.
The MAPFRE Foundation has hit another home run with this latest exhibit featuring Garry Winogrand and Nicholas Nixon…
You would have to be a hard soul indeed not to be moved by this woman’s work…
Even with COVID-19 raging in Spain and Catalunya, a few museums are still open for business (with COVID protocols, of course) to keep us all from going nuts. Here in Barcelona, there is currently a wonderful exhibit that presents several hundred prints from Bill Brandt and Paul Strand, two historically important photographers with whom we should all be familiar…
A $4 million photograph??? How is that even possible!? How about if I offer up my own version for a mere $2 million (delivery included)…!
It appears that my Black & White Magazine “Portfolio Spotlight” (Neo-Topographics) will come out in their April, 2019 issue. Here is an early preview of the write-up…