Just like you (I’m sure), random photos seem to accumulate in my iPhone…
Just like you (I’m sure), random photos seem to accumulate in my iPhone…
Cavall Bernat (Bernat, the Horse) is one of the most iconic rock formations you’ll see along the north rim of the Montserrat massif–and a very tasty objective if you happen to climb rocks for fits and grins…
Where do you go if you are stuck in Barcelona and you grow tired of that boring Mediterranean diet, the bakeries, and the fresh fish, fruit, and vegetables at the local market? Where do you go if you have a hankerin’ for some good ole Kellog’s Corn Flakes…?
Even more giant, hanging ads have been sprouting up all over Barcelona these days…
More Barcelona structures in monochrome…
The “three chimneys” (or, tres chimeneas) are an iconic sight on the northern edge of the Barcelona urban area. What will eventually become of them…?
What to do with that harsh mid-day light? Maybe a monochrome interpretation is the answer…
Have you tried Nikon’s new highlight-weighted metering mode? Depending on your subject, and if you shoot in raw, it could be an excellent option in certain circumstances…
More play with some Barcelona structures and things found in the sky…
From bull ring to popular commercial center…the Arenas Building in Barcelona…