This wonderful spot, just above Park Güell, is well known to many local runners, hikers, and dog-walkers, and is worth a hike for either sunrise or sunset. If you are really lucky, maybe you’ll be privy to a sunrise rainbow show arcing above the mountains behind you!
Yes, the three crosses within the Park is a nice (and very popular) spot for vistas and photos, but the hilltop above and behind the Park gives you a full, unobstructed 360-degree panorama of Barcelona y sus alrededores. It’s a little farther and takes a bit more effort to get there, but worth it.
I won’t give you directions–you can easily find it on your own via Señora Google.
Some sample images from this very location made just two days ago, just after the passage of a weather front…
I always try to get in place at least 45 minutes prior to sunrise. Many times, the pre-dawn light is better than the actual sunrise. Some examples:
I hate completely clear skies. Having clouds in the sky makes all the difference as the sun approaches the horizon:
As sunrise approaches, the color can be quite different depending on where you look. Very blue, for example, as we look to the north in this picture:
Finally, the sun breaks the horizon–and anything can happen. Stick around for awhile, just in case. The rainbow appeared about 30 minutes after official sunrise and didn’t last long:
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