A Taste of America, Barcelona, 2019
Yep, a couple of our best US of A exports (apart from Hollywood films and military power): sugar and corn syrup.
There are actually three of these stores in Barcelona–come to find out–with eight in Madrid and five others scattered throughout the rest of Spain.
Can an obesity, diabetes, and high blood pressure epidemic be far behind? (Only partly kidding.)
This one you’ll find at Carrer Aragó, 231.
So, head on out, my fellow American, and pick up your inner child-comforting Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch for tomorrow’s gourmet breakfast! (Only 9,95 Euros, or about $11.30, for a 12 oz. box.)
To be fair, some Americans, myself included, actually do not partake of most of the items I can make out from this photo which includes: General Mills cereal, Goldfish crackers, beer, soda, and Campbell’s soup (sorry Jimmy!). On the other hand, if inside the store we might find some Kettle brand potato chips, Almond Joy candy bars, or Lipton Tea, I would definitely take some home! As a card-carrying fast food abstainer, I found myself after three weeks in Italy, standing inside the McDonalds at the Spanish Steps, and ordering two filet-o-fish sandwiches and an order of fries. I understand how strong the craving for something familiar can be. It has been twenty years and I still haven’t been back to McDonalds.
Oh, how I understand the pull of all that junkie food. I remember getting a craving for Cap’n Crunch cereal some years back and went out and bought some and ate the whole box (small box, mind you) at one sitting. Haven’t repeated that, though! There is so much great food available in Barcelona it’s a shame to not eat local. Thanks for visiting, Teresa!