I envy what my wife seems to get away with. She uses a high quality compact camera (the excellent Sony RX100ii) and walks around with it up and aimed as if she were videotaping her surroundings. No one seems to pay her much mind, if they notice her at all.
She also shoots away quite freely, often coming home with several hundred images–usually three to four times my count. She then erases loads of these, but she also strikes it rich with reasonable regularity. Also, some of the shots I would have thought to be pretty average (as I watched them being taken) actually turned out quite interesting–you just never know. I’ll get her permission to post a few at some later date.
I really do think being female helps. A big lunk like me pointing a camera around (even a small one like my Fuji) is just simply more threatening than a petite woman carrying what looks like a simple point-and-shoot tourist camera.
She is getting some great, candid images and I am learning from her. I just need to learn how to be more assertive but in a disarming and friendly way. We each evolve our own techniques…
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