West Grange Development, Longmont, CO
This is a follow-on from yesterday’s Neo-Topo blog…this time, some images from the West Grange subdivision now rapidly going in at Nelson Road and 75th Street in Longmont, Colorado. They are also working on widening Nelson Road at his point since the number of automobiles will (obviously) increase dramatically.
This images were made on Sunday, August 18, 2018.
I prefer going out on a Sunday to photograph as the big earth machines are idle, the workers absent, and I can freely walk around and compose with my camera as I like. There is also something interesting about visiting a normally very active work site that has been paused for a day of rest, with its absence of busy human beans and their accompanying decibel-symphony of progress… as if I were a lone voyeur to a slow-moving Earth-tragedy that was suddenly interrupted by something even more terrible and everyone had run away, leaving behind a silent stage full of diesel-powered props and an unfinished mosaic of mini-destruction (construction?) projects.
A few pictures for you:
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